Just double checked the maths. 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 365 days x 32 years is ~1.009B. That would be with 1 manufacturer working around the clock. There are 4 that I know of: Moderna, J&J, Pfizer & Astrozeneca. So that would be 8 years. Fits more closely with what we know about the gof research, which was underway in 2014 stopped it & Fauxi moved it to CCP.

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A comment was posted on reddit to this: According to this article (https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/how-coronavirus-vaccine-will-be-mass-produced-173897), the Pfizer vaccine is manufactured at their plant in Kalamazoo. However, according to this article (https://www.pfizer.com/products/pfizer-global-supply/us-manufacturing-sites/kalamazoo), the Pfizer Kalamazoo plant makes only 140 million units a year of other drugs. How, in just a matter of a few months, did it convert and expand production over to making billions of units of an experimental mRNA compound which presumably would require completely new and unique equipment to produce?

I doubt that's logistically possible. I also doubt that the vaccine would be produced and stockpiled years in advance, because someone would have noticed the construction of the multi-billion dollar production facilities and also according to the first article, the mRNA vax dose has a maximum freezer life of only six months.

As to what actually is going on, I'm beginning to think that the vax is just a saline solution. They fill a pot with tap water, add a couple tablespoons of Morton's salt, stir well, and pour into little bottles. Repeat a few hundred million times, and that's how you make (fake) billions of doses in just a year.

Just as the virus doesn't exist, neither does the vaccine. It's been Scamdemic all the way down. Would you like some more social control with that booster shot?

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Some say, kill shots were made Prior to covid.

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Probably leftover of any kind of jabs they had in stock. Explains the difference in batch reactivity

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Is it known what specific factory sites are (allegedly) manufacturing the clotshot?

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