Aug 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Lots of people taking shits after that Tucker Carlson piece, and rightly so.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Bongino always struck me as a f'ng idiot who was making some bucks as a professional ranter like Hannity. This confirms it. And I've been saying that Trump was absolutely played from start to finish on this. He just never came to grips with how far freedom's enemies were willing to go to take him out. They are completely OK with killing millions if not billions. Trump was a fool, BOngino a grifter, and blind followers of either are idiot sheep.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I agree. He’ll end up taking the fall for this when all of the truth can no longer be denied. He would have been so wise to admit he did not know how dangerous it was... but he keeps taking credit. 🤦‍♀️

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I’ve got to disagree. The guy had cancer and had been in a position where he had to trust his doctors. He fell for it and I believe, like countless others, that he thought he was protecting himself. I believe he was sincere and unfortunately, he (and many people I know and love) regret their faith in those they formerly trusted.

They deserve our prayers.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

There's a difference between knowing it's a bio weapon like those in charge with studies at their disposal and those coopted by the machine and duped themselves. Our camp needs voices large and loud. We've only had the first skirmish. This game's long and new warriors are welcome in my point of view. Put him on the left flank and charge!

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Bongino is guilty of crimes against humanity? Don’t be an asshole. Unlike you, I listened to him explain at the time why he made the decision. He never recommended them for anyone else. Like the masking and mandates he opposed and everything else, he said it was a personal decision he made on the advice of his doctor in the mileau of a lymphoma a diagnosis. At least he had the balls to admit he was wrong, while at the same time standing against the unlawful activities of the people who put us in this circumstance. Stay focused on the people really responsible such as Collins, Fauci, Daszak, Baric, Gates and the WEF

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This gets kinda sticky. If we’re going to go after every person who was fooled by the grandest psyop/propaganda campaign ever, there won’t be many left standing.

I was emotionally touched by Dan’s contrition. I don’t particularly like the dude but I’m familiar with him, having been a Mark Levin listener in my politically formative years. He comes off as a decent, if misguided, guy.

He’s a victim, and he has some responsibility. Tough call.

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He was fighting cancer. I have a friend who was too. He took shots and now it’s back aggressively. 😔

Those that trust authorities blindly, can’t see authoritarian rule stealing liberty.

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

As a doctor, i must admit that I told people I would not take the shot, but that it is a free country and told folks that they should listen to their doctor and then they the patient decide. In retrospect they did not get informed consent and the doctor pushed them into death vaxx. I listen to Bongino and he was basically saying the same thing as me. I refused shot face to face with my gp doctor…. And also refused DPT shot cause they didn’t give adult DT shots for tetanus prophylaxis. Stupid. Refused the 20 valent pneumovax shot cause I had big reaction to the six valet thus I was allergic. Doctors make terrible patients… but this doctor knows the right answers

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

He also came out with a chest thumping virtue signal last fall threatening to quit his radio show (Cumulus) over their mandates. They didn’t cave or didn’t take any exemptions and he is still on the radio. He then claimed he was starting a fund for the fired. He is also on Fox often and never took a stand against those mandates or forced testing for unvaccinated.

His reasoning is odd too. He says he knew it was made in a lab in China and he decided he’d rather trust what our gov made re: vaccine. Uh, didn’t our gov also make what was over in Wuhan in NC and move it over there during the Obama era?

People trying to rationalize why they fell for this over basically a bad cold is fascinating.

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Agreed, along with every other pseudo-expert who claimed they were ‘safe and effective’. To include doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc.

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All of them are "Rothschild Puppets ". Anyone with a brain cell and a bit of Honor would never be part of this digusting, inhuman group of fake leaders. Death is too good for corrupt trash.

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Sorry but in this case we should forgive him due to his cancer. If he didnt have cancer then not so much but the cancer patients were brainwashed badly.

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

All these talking heads, doctors, pharma salespeople and government employees, gave medical advice, illegally, and should be fined at the very least, some incarcerated, some terminated.

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I also feel this way about the "overly helpful" vaccine hunter people who would make vaccine appointments for others and drive them to the mass vaccination sites..... how many people did THEY maim and kill, even if they meant well the entire time? "It's for your own good, and I'm a good person because I'm helping you comply."

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Mr 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, I have to respectfully disagree. I am a frequent reader of your work and I don't' think I have ever disagreed with what you have put out in the digital world. However, there cannot be anyone reading your work that does not have a loved one, friend or acquaintance that, believing the "science", took the shot. And now we wait, and we hold out hope that the dire consequences that we see affecting so many now may not visit our families. I don't know why I never bought the government line, or why so many here did not, perhaps we are all skeptics at heart, but not everyone is.

That Dan Bongino has admitted to this being his greatest regret gives hope that others, having been deceived by endless world wide propaganda to take the shot will now see that

the emperor has no clothes. Additionally, being a personality on a "mainstream" network that has supported taking the jab can only help, even if it is only one person. Personally, I feel a little sadness for him for the realization of what he has done to himself.

Crimes against humanity, no. Lack of skepticism and critical thinking perhaps.

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