May 6, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This was simply THE MOST IMPORTANT AND AMAZING presentation I have ever heard! And I am decades after college and graduate school. (I had heard part of this talk posted to social media but am thankful you have shared the entire talk.) John Coleman could have been addressing us TODAY for much of his message in the last 1/3 of his lecture. It saddens me deeply that enough people did not respond to his call to duty to DO something significant to reclaim our country in the immediate years following this. Though I have read a lot of material concerning various “organizations” who have been controlling us, no one put it all together like Mr Coleman. I remain hopeful that we CAN reclaim our country using the method he has recommended. I hope others will share this VERY IMPORTANT speech by a true patriot and Constitutionalist. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 I pray we can find out way back via peaceful means.

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Very interesting lecture, but somewhat unfortunate that he admitted he was paranoid which, incidentally, you could see in his eyes. It seems he almost gave the talk because of the paranoia. If anything doesn't add up or 2+2 doesn't make 7 you know something else is going on. I mean, why are employees concerned about liability if these doses are safe and effective whole forcing their employees to play Russian roulette or get fired?

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The Video, it's on Twitter right now. How the hell can we win this WAR? Look at what we are fighting againsts!

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