Jun 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Screw him regardless of whether he got jabbed or not. The testing is BS and he probably wants time off. He’s an ass and deserves every disease on the planet.

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Hope it kills him before he kills any more innocent people. ADE just might do the trick.

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It's highly unlikely the clown prince had any jabs. Nothing that idiot does or says is real or genuine, but you can count on him "testing positive for covid" every time he needs to avoid criticism or tough questions...such as his disgusting invocation of the Emergencies Act.

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This posted illogic of this national “leader” should be frightening to his citizens. Is this supposed to be a thought process of some kind?

No question is asked as to why he gets re-infected, despite X number of shots, as he can simply continue to self-isolate each time and be happy. And he wants his citizens to do the same. No questions asked about this sequence appearing to be a closed loop without a destination. So what exactly is the point of the injections of the experimental chemical concoctions if they don’t protect from the virus or any of its variants, and don’t stop the recipient from spreading the infection? Why is this man not asking on behalf of his people?

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I moved to Canada from, of all places, Russia, in '94. I traded one system of control for another. Nothing new under the sun.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Even trueDope wasn’t dumb enough to take the Rockefeller snake juice. This is all smoke and mirrors!

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I don’t believe for a minute that he received the deathvax nor does he have covid. He’s just still out there shilling that crap. Although, the people that pull his strings are just balls of hate, maybe they want a replacement for Castro Jr for the next phase of the plan.

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This is what is happening to him and everyone else - he will eventually die: Israel: Chronic Covid Persists in Guts and Immune CD8 Cells, like AIDS https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/israel-chronic-covid-persists-in?s=r

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If he has taken real quackcines, curious why would he want to show that the quackcine doesn't work to stop transmission, while at the same time buying millions of doses and signing contracts for manufacturing quackcines in Canada?

The only spin he has left is, "it could be worse if I wasn't fully quackcinated." This can never be proven. He wants the control group to follow his lead.

Is that the new mantra going forward? "Quackcination won't stop you from getting infected but it is likely to stop you from getting really sick". How encouraging.

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Its all part of the SCAMDEMIC. LiES from commie Tyrannical killers!!!

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He’s getting heat to drop the jab dictates for travel because the airports are a total debacle.

So he cues up this drama.

Pathetically transparent.

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Justin Castro is full of sh-t. If anyone believes he is sick or has gotten the killer jab, they are nuts. It is a trap to try and convince Canadians to get the phoney jab and booster. Don't do it.

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There is no way that he’s jabbed. It’s all acting.

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Never comply!

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Just shows how effective a saline jab can be.

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Hopefully he has VAIDS and will ☠️ soon.

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