Thank you Universe for Eastern European’s.

Lead the way just as the Canadian truckers.

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yea the media have had fun making fun of him, lets see how it plays out

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Imagine when the lab rats will be isolated and forbidden to go to anything but a food store. Imagine they will be chided like we were. Imagine the opposite world, like only one nation, I think, has done... was it Kiribati I don't remember... imagine how things will be. But I still feel bad for all the friends, who are jabbed and those especially that now see their mistake. Little pity for the ostriches. I just read that Moderna is developing a vaccine for AIDS. With help of our dear dr. Mengele i suppose. AZ and Pfizer hurrying to make or propagate a heart med, because of you know, so many youngsters suddenly having heart attacks....

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"Madcap." LOL

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