Should be banned for anyone under 100 years old!

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But since this only applies to the ModeRNA product, it's just a blip. Kids can still get the Pfizer or BioNTech "products". Not much to see here, yet.

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We are of the same opinion that those cogs will be disposed of on completion of the task they were employed to do. I do wonder if these politicians might start to fear their own outcome. In our country many have resigned from their posts. Lets hope those remaining are not Globalists & also on the take.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

well, but dont you think CDC, FDA ... dr. fuaci, dr. collins, dr. gottlieb etc. etc. know this much ??? of course, they do and still in the US toddlers are continuing to be vaxxed ... denmark is doing something wrong ... not sure what, but if i had to bet i would bet on US science community being right!!

DJT saved millions of lives with mRNA vaxx approved on emergency basis - dont ever forget that!!

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If they weren't such evil little twerps, one might feel sorry for the reporters left standing alone on the “vaccines: our only hope” platform they have labored so hard to build. Imagine … medical interventions have RISKS that must be balanced against BENEFITS. The gears can be heard slipping in their little heads … what??? But … SAFE! EFFECTIVE!! …

And yet the strange position of Canadian officials is understandable. As data arises that even the most dedicated gov pharma reps cannot ignore, a step must be taken to hand back risk assumption to the masses … but at the same time all of those pesky doses rotting away on the shelves and all of the political authority built on mandates … we don’t say goodbye to them easily …

But the cracks are getting wider! I have seen an number of things like this in the past few days … Dr Drew and his utter nonsense come immediately to mind, Denmark and its newfound courageous if belated wisdom and other rays of hope reaching me lately. I was not sure reality and truth could outrun the wave of darkness and force thrust upon us but it would seem covidianism is no longer the ideal vehicle for NWO

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deletedAug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
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