Jun 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Is there anyone else who is experiencing fear as to what is happening in general?

The "adverse effect" antivaxxers always (completely rightfully) complain about adverse effects affecting 1-2% of people, which is obviously completely unacceptable for any preventative treatment.

But what if the MAJORITY if the injected will suffer death or disablement, from their vaccine and endless covids?

Where will this put us?

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I heard last night a very distinguished outspoken advocate Dr., a cardiologist, say that there are up to 30%, mostly men, with sub-clinical myocarditis. Many don’t know it yet! It will eventually advance to right sided heart failure at some point. I was quite disheartened to hear this news as this Dr. has written over 600 peer review articles and is a medical genius & knows his stuff. This could explain some of all this sudden bizarre behaviors & hospitalizations along with fast aggressive cancers and other illnesses from the jabs. Genocide of humanity seems to be in the works. A Dr. told me last Dec. that 20% of the jabs had bad stuff in them. That may explain why many ppl don’t believe the jabs are bad bc more ppl seem ok than not. Time will tell!!!

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Read your local obituaries for eye-opening results, Many people in the 30s, 40s, 50s dead...died unexpectedly.

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Conspiracy Theories.

It's safe and effective 👍

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2nd Smartest, now I'm afraid to drive!

Only thing I want...traitor soldiers and traitor police that will turn against us, to drop dead...the sooner the better . I can't kill them all.

There are some Very Angry American soldiers and American police that know what's going on, and are with us

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When I was young, my Irish Catholic *Grandmother and Dad ingrained the idea of Hell, eternal damnation in me.

Way toooo much. But when I see these reports, I see hell much more than the numbers.

Satan has convinced most he doesn't exist, neither does hell.

If the few could change it, this would stop.

People with inside info would speak out.

By not, they are GUILTY OF MURDER OF the INNOCENT.

Not a good thing m

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

My nephew is very ill in hospital with sepsis and endocarditis. He had flu-like symptoms a few weeks ago but every Covid test was negative. So that's apparently a thing now. Fit, nonsmoking, well nourished, not old etc. men not getting Covid after all their shots and boosters, but getting sepsis and endocarditis out of the blue.

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I read smart guy's articles everyday. I respect him and love the comment section, where there are always many great insights and links. However, I am seeing a trend and I am not necessarily talking about here today in this column, but I am seeing a trend of referring to the vaxxed in a negative light, disparagingly. I don't feel comfortable with it. A lot of people were fooled. Many are blind. or obstinate. Who knows? But I for one, am not going to turn into a health purist. I am not going to exclude the vaccinated from my life. I hug everyone. Let us not become part of the problem. I, too, have tried to warn family and friends. It is so hard to witness loved ones ruin their health. I was in line at Walgreens pharmacy yesterday and half the people were there for the shot. What do we do? I get weary. But, arrogance is obnoxious even if you are the one who is right. Just a thought.

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I like it that Substack readers are from various countries and that they share their perspectives.

In the US it’s obvious that if we want to start getting on the right track we need to HURRY UP and replace the entire FDA advisory board.

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I hardly ever watch video, but as Dr. Madej has nearly been killed, I went against my habit:


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Acute aging ! Is that a new disease ? I hope it passes me by, I age fast enough as is! How is it that people do not make the link, I just don't get it.

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Those who call the shots (and administer them, and profit enormously from them) are hard at work trying to "explain" this phenomenon: https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/sids-sads-siss?r=7f8gy&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The medical industrial complex no longer asks if your vaxed now, what better way to put the culling under the rug. It’s truly sickening, I know so many that failed the global IQ test that are dead man walking.

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Apology for an off-subject post, but I don’t know another way to put this out. I won’t touch Twitter.

On Monday June 27 I sent this to RT

“Clown Zelensky can end this war whenever he wants, as Russia laid out clearly the limited Russian objectives, and these are well justified requirements for national security, not wishes.”

On Tuesday June 28, Kremlin spokesperson Dimitry Peskov said “The Ukrainian side can stop everything before the end of today. There has to be an order for the nationalist battalions and Ukrainian soldiers to lay down their arms. Russia’s demands must also be met,”

With only one day between for a point not made for four months, I don’t believe it’s a coincidence. The daily destruction isn’t necessary. The outcome will be the same except for daily increase in death and destruction. Zelensky’s on an ego trip, impervious to death counts. Our leaders care only for destruction of current Russia. That’s the problem..

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Hugh, they are talking Overthrow of CCP

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